Some Very Important Considerations for a Brain Injury Victim and their Family
Some surprising facts about brain injury
A person need not strike their head in order to sustain a brain injury.
A person need not be knocked out, lose consciousness or be in a coma following a traumatic event to sustain a brain injury.
The fact that a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury or closed head injury is not made in the emergency room or in the weeks or months following the trauma does not mean the injury was not there all along.
The fact that a skull X-Ray, CT scan, or MRI of the brain may appear to be normal does not rule out the presence of a traumatic brain injury.
The fact that a neurological examination may be normal does not rule out the presence of traumatic brain injury with cognitive impairments.
A person need not suffer cuts, bruises, or broken bones in order to suffer a traumatic brain injury.
The word “mild,” in describing a brain injury, does not mean that the injury is not serious.
The amount of damage to a vehicle that is involved in an injury accident, is not always relevant in determining the presence or severity of a brain injury.
Whether it is called a concussion, post-concussion syndrome, post-traumatic complex or by any other descriptors, it all boils down to the fact that an injury happened to the brain.
Please note: The information on this website is not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional. You should consult your health care provider regarding specific medical concerns or treatment.